A collection of reports and documents that have been published for UKSIF’s Ownership Day conferences in previous years
Understanding and Applying Fiduciary Duty (Updated for 2017)
Understanding and Applying Fiduciary Duty, The Guide, Ownership Day 2016
Voting, Reporting and Engagement: Asset Owners Call to Industry. The Guide, Ownership Day 2015.
Easy guide to boosting long-term returns. A practical guide to becoming an active owner, sponsored by Vigeo Rating.
Attitudes to Ownership 2014: Exploring pension fund and public opinion on ownership and stewardship issues. Supported by the National Association of Pension Funds (NAPF) and sponsored by Aviva Investors.
Other resources:
Being Good Stewards: Church investors and corporate engagement. A guide from the Church Investors Group (CIG).
The Stewardship Code. A key piece from the regulatory body the Financial Reporting Council (FRC). UK Fund Managers are required by the FCA to “comply or explain” with respect to the code. Asset owners are now encouraged to sign in their own right.
Why be an active owner? A valuable short guide from the PRI looking at the concepts.
Tomorrow’s Value – Achieving long-term financial returns: a guide for pension fund trustees, Tomorrow’s Company (2014). A detailed recent report on the issues for pension funds but useful for all owners. Comes with prompts and questions on how owners set their own investment views, their SIPs (if applicable) and determine their required skill sets.
Responsible Investment Best Practice Guide. ShareAction’s guide for trustees covers areas including fiduciary duty, investment returns, disclosure and transparency, engagement and policy and resourcing.
Stewardship Central on the NAPF website. A useful selection of advice, including questions for your manager which are updated every month.